
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Before you read this next blog, I want to introduce you to the woman who wrote it: my mama (aka my best friend and greatest hero.) I know I have talked about surrender a few times in my blog… but this woman has given everything to the Lord. She loves Jesus and points my family consistently to His love. She is my fathers loudest cheerleader and biggest supporter. As a preacher’s wife, she leads the women in the church with dignity and grace (cue Miss. Congeniality.) She loves us kids and has always told us to chase after our dreams with everything we have. When I told her about the dark areas in my life, she replied with, “Nothing you do will ever make me love you less.” This woman loves the Lord and continues to surrender to Him every day, considering as all of us kids actually pursue the crazy dreams God has laid on our hearts. 

I could write this whole blog just about this woman, but I promised my Mama that she could write this one…


5am, February 16, 2015.  The bedroom light flipped on as slow footsteps clunked toward our bed. “Mom? Dad? Your phones are off….we’ve been trying to call you for hours.”  It was our oldest daughter, Martha, who was a sheriff in our town then. “Marianna had a sledding accident late last night….broke her back…in the hospital…dispatch called me …” I blinked in disbelief, stumbled out of bed and stood there in the middle of the room dumbfounded.


“ Can…can she move?”

“Yes, but she’s hurt.  You have to go to the hospital now. They’re waiting on you to make decisions about surgery.”

“Surgery….” I fumbled with the closet door handle.  “Um, can she talk?”

“Yes. Mom, you just have to get there right away.” She could see I was struggling to function.

“Ok….” I stared at my clothes hanging there, wondering what to put on. I turned to my husband who was already dressed.  

He whispered, “Come on babe, just put something on and lets go.”  


Somehow I blindly grabbed a shirt and pants  and tried to get my breath while I put them on. “Oh, God,” I thought, “You did this to my daughter?  You hurt her like this?” I still couldn’t process it. I knew our lives would change, but I couldn’t imagine how.


Within 24 hours Marianna was out of back surgery, where they had put in 2 titanium rods and 8 screws to hold her spine together and fused two of her shattered lumbar  together. The doctor said it was miraculous that she wasn’t paralyzed. The recovery was long and painful, and still 3 years later there are painful days, but I never could have imagined the change in her for good:  she has continued to grow spiritually from her dependence on God. Rather than slowing down, she has become daring and adventurous , consciously aware of the brevity of life and the mercy of God. She’s living life to it’s fullest, running full throttle after God and Kingdom living. Who would have thought God would use her broken back as a springboard to attempt things she would never have even thought of trying before the accident? Going on the World Race is just the beginning of a life of spiritual and physical adventures for her, and as a result we are all learning together to listen to Jesus’ voice and follow His lead through the Holy Spirit moment by moment. It’s true that God changed our lives the day her back was broken, but the changes have definitely been for our good and His glory.


2 responses to “This is 911… What’s Your Emergency??”

  1. Grateful for her. She teaches me to see and experience how big God is, and to care for the needs.